ID Grand Rounds: “Intermicrobial Antagonism” @ Lane Building, L154 Conference Room
Mar 1 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Presenter: Gabriele Sass, MD of Dr. Stevens Lab

SCCR Coordinator Brown Bag: Work Purpose and Career Paths @ LK209
Mar 13 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
SCCR Coordinator Brown Bag: Work Purpose and Career Paths @ LK209

Department of Medicine Managers and Coordinators,

Please join us for the first SCCR Coordinator Brown Bag for 2019 on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 from 9:00-10:00 am in LKSC Room 209.

Meet your fellow coordinators, receive updates and announcements, share best practices – and enjoy breakfast among colleagues! SCCR will be hosting quarterly Brown Bag meetings in 2019. Future dates will be provided in the near future.

Please RSVP HERE by end of day Monday, March 11, 2019

Breakfast will be provided

Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Time: 9:00-10:00 am

Location: LKSC 209

Topic: “Work Purpose and Career Paths”

Fulfillment, Satisfaction, Engagement, name it; why does it matter to have clarity around our work purpose? Let’s gather at this Brown Bag workshop to discuss and share our thoughts and our experiences on what makes our work worthwhile, and how that defines the career paths we’re on!

Moderator: Susan Saba, MPH



Visit SCCR Events HERE

Inaugural Joint Geriatrics-Palliative Grand Rounds “Our Frail Old: Blessing or Burden?” @ Li K Shing Room 120
Mar 21 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Dr. Andrew Elder
Presence CASBS Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavior Sciences, Stanford University
Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh Medical School

Thursday March 21, 2019
LKSC 120
*Lunch will be served

Dial: +1 650 724 9799
Meeting ID: 255 141 484

Bio: Professor Andrew Elder is an honorary faculty at University of Edinburgh, Department of Geriatric Medicine. He has been a consultant in the National Health Service since 1993 and is currently a Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine for Older People at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh. As a visiting professor at Stanford Medicine, he has worked with Professor Abraham Verghese, on the innovative Stanford 25 Bedside Medicine Program since 2013.

Currently, Professor Elder is the 2018-2019 Presence-CASBS fellow at the Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He is exploring the rapidly increasing prevalence of frailty and, in particular, the common portrayal of the frail old as a social and economic burden. Insights from four work-streams are informing his analysis – patient narratives; current political approaches to health and social care of the frail in the UK and USA; historical and current attitudes of healthcare professionals, caregivers and broader society to the frail; and the literature on the human experience of frailty.

Professor Elder has held a number of national and international roles in medical education, with particular expertise in the teaching and assessment of bedside clinical skills of doctors in training. He was previously Chair of the Clinical Examining Board for the MRCP(UK) Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills (PACES) examination, the largest international postgraduate clinical skills assessment in the world. He has held a number of positions in undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching and assessment, and has personally taught or assessed bedside clinical skills in 20 countries.

Professor Elder gained his BSc and MBChB degrees from the University of Edinburgh. Married with two grown-up sons, he lives in his native Edinburgh, and enjoys fly fishing.