Center for Population Health Sciences Seminar Series: Sonalde Desai @ Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center, Room 320
Neither at Home, Nor in the Market: Low Returns on Women’s Education in India Sonalde Desai, University of Maryland Register Now!
Medicine Grand Rounds: Optimizing Bone Health in Breast Cancer @ LKSC Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Joy Wu, MD Assistant Professor of Endocrinology, Stanford University Joy Wu, MD, is a board-certified endocrinologist with over 12 years’ experience who specializes in treating women and men with osteoporosis and other bone and[...]
Supporting Children in the Time of COVID-19  A School Based Approach to Health & Wellbeing @ Online Event
Register here In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, several support structures for children and their families have been disrupted. Underserved communities who were already disadvantaged prior to the pandemic now face further setbacks with[...]
Supporting Children in the Time of COVID-19  A School Based Approach to Health & Wellbeing @ Online Event
Register here In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, several support structures for children and their families have been disrupted. Underserved communities who were already disadvantaged prior to the pandemic now face further setbacks with[...]