Medicine Grand Rounds: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Medicine, Why, What and How? @ LKSC, Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Jonathan Chen, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics Stanford University Jonathan H Chen MD, PhD is a physician-scientist with professional software development experience and graduate training in computer science. He continues to practice Internal[...]
BMIR Research in Progress: Jason Fries, PhD "Program Your Training Data! Using Medical Domain Knowledge to Learn From Unlabeled Data” @ MSOB, Conference Room X275 | Stanford | California | United States
Jason Fries, PhD, Research Scientist, BMIR, Stanford University ABSTRACT: In biomedicine, obtaining expert-labeled training data is a key bottleneck to using machine learning methods. However, recent efforts such as Stanford’s Snorkel system are creating new[...]
BMIR Research Colloquium: Brandon Fornwalt MD, PhD “Applications of Data Science and Machine Learning in Radiology and Cardiology” @ MSOB Conference Room X275
Brandon Fornwalt MD, PhD Investigator II, Associate Professor Geisinger Health System Abstract: The overall goal of our group is to leverage data-driven approaches to help improve patient outcomes. This talk will demonstrate examples of how[...]