BMIR Research In Progress: “A Drug Synergy Prediction Approach using Drug, Cell, and Synergy Network Features” @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research RESEARCH IN PROGRESS “A Drug Synergy Prediction Approach using Drug, Cell, and Synergy Network Features” Remzi Celebi Visiting Student Researcher EGE University Turkey Abstract: In this talk, I will[...]
BMIR Research Colloquium: Manuel Rivas "Finding Signals in Human Genome Sequencing Studies: Data, Models, and Inference" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
Manuel Rivas, PhD Assistant Professor DBDS, Stanford University ABSTRACT: Genome sequencing studies applied to large case-control series, populations or biobanks with extensive phenotyping raise novel analytical challenges and present new opportunities to interrogate the human[...]