All assistant professors and associate professors in the UTL, MCL, and NTLR, are invited to attend. The workshop will focus on an overview of the reappointment and promotion process, feedback at the department level prior[...]
Centering Belonging to Empower Trainees in Academia @ Online only
In this session for both PhD and MD faculty, leading educators in the PhD and MD spaces Carmin Powell, MD, Lahia Yemane, MD, Latishya Steele, PhD and Jennifer Cohen, PhD  will discuss how different life experiences can influence the ways[...]
SCCR Virtual Science Series: Overview of Pediatric Leukemia; and GD2 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Therapy @ Zoom Meeting Link
  Speakers: Corinna Louise Delucia, MSN, PNP, RN, CPHON, & Christina Baggott, PhD, PPCNP, RN, CPON Click HERE to Register! Zoom Class Link The mission of the Stanford Center for Clinical Research (SCCR) includes offering educational[...]