BMIR Research in Progress: Jean Coquet, PhD “Comparison of Orthogonal NLP Methods for Clinical Phenotyping and Assessment of Bone Scan Utilization among Prostate Cancer Patients” @ MSOB Conference Room X275
Jean Coquet PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, BMIR, Stanford University ABSTRACT: Clinical care guidelines recommend that diagnosed prostate cancer patients at high risk for metastatic spread receive a bone scan prior to treatment and that low risk[...]
ID Grand Rounds: "Interesting pulmonary imaging cases" @ Lane Building, L151 (L154 Conference Room)
  Presenter: Henry Guo, MD; Clinical Associate Professor of Thoracic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine. Zoom Meeting ID: 858 696 854
MIPS Seminar: Precision Imaging Guides Cancer Therapy @ LKSC, LK1200 | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Dr. Umar Mahmood, MD Vice Chair for Precision Imaging in the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Mahmood’s research has focused on translational applications[...]