BMIR Research in Progress: Jean Coquet, PhD “Comparison of Orthogonal NLP Methods for Clinical Phenotyping and Assessment of Bone Scan Utilization among Prostate Cancer Patients” @ MSOB Conference Room X275
Jean Coquet PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, BMIR, Stanford University ABSTRACT: Clinical care guidelines recommend that diagnosed prostate cancer patients at high risk for metastatic spread receive a bone scan prior to treatment and that low risk[...]
SCCR GCP Workshop: Informed Consent: Working together to review, discuss and learn about Complex Cases @ Li Ka Shing Center – Classroom 101
Speaker: Nancy Sweeters, PNP, RN Click HERE to Register! The mission of the Stanford Center for Clinical Research (SCCR) includes offering educational resources, training, and support for investigators and research staff.  We have invited the Associate[...]