ID Lecture Series: "Fever in Returned Travelers" @ Li Ka Shing Center, LK208
  Presenter: Brian Blackburn, MD; Clinical Associate Professor in Medicine (Infectious Diseases & Geographic Medicine)
Center for Population Health Sciences Seminar Series: Sonalde Desai @ Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center, Room 320
Neither at Home, Nor in the Market: Low Returns on Women’s Education in India Sonalde Desai, University of Maryland Register Now!
ID Lecture Series: Fever in Returned Travelers @ Li Ka Shing Center, LK304/5
Presenter: Brian Blackburn, MD; Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine). Zoom Meeting ID: 790 915 319
Medicine Grand Rounds: Travel in the COVID-19 Era: Hopes & Needs @ Online only | Palo Alto | California | United States
NOTE: This MGR is ONLINE-only.   AGENDA Feature Presentation: Travel in the COVID-19 Era: Hopes & Needs Presenter: Lin Chen, MD – Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard University CME Accreditation: To Claim Credit, Click here and enter the Activity ID:[...]
Medicine Grand Rounds: Long Covid: An Update and the Stanford PACS Clinic @ Online only
AGENDA Feature Presentation:  Long Covid: An Update and the Stanford PACS Clinic Presenters: Hector Fabio Bonilla, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine – Infectious Diseases, Stanford University  Linda N. Geng, MD, Ph D, Clinical Assistant Professor,[...]