BMIR Research in Progress: David Ouyang "Beyond Traditional Data Streams: Analysis of Organic Datasets in Healthcare" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
David Ouyang, M.D. Stanford Health Care Stanford Medicine ABSTRACT: Many traditional data sets in healthcare, such as billing data and administrative outcome registries, are detached from direct patient care. This limitation can make analysis fraught,[...]
Medicine Grand Rounds: Natural Killers in Defense From Infectious Diseases @ LKSC Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Catherine Blish, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases, Stanford University From Dr. Blish’s profile: “Our goal is to develop new methods to prevent and control infectious diseases through better understanding of human immunology.[...]
SCCR Virtual Science Series: The ABCs of Preventive Cardiology @ Zoom Meeting Link
Speaker: Dr. Sandra Tsai, MD, MPH Click HERE to Register! Zoom Class Link The mission of the Stanford Center for Clinical Research (SCCR) includes offering educational resources, training, and support for investigators and research staff. [...]