BMIR Research in Progress: David Ouyang "Beyond Traditional Data Streams: Analysis of Organic Datasets in Healthcare" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
David Ouyang, M.D. Stanford Health Care Stanford Medicine ABSTRACT: Many traditional data sets in healthcare, such as billing data and administrative outcome registries, are detached from direct patient care. This limitation can make analysis fraught,[...]
BMIR Research Colloquium: Matthew Eisenberg "Health Information Exchange:  What’s taking so long, hat are the real barriers and why won’t the fax machine just die?" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
Matthew Eisenberg, M.D., Associate Chief Medical Information Officer (ACMIO) Clinical Assistant Professor (Affiliated), Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford University Abstract: Easy access to clinical information that travels with the patient wherever she seeks[...]
Medicine Grand Rounds: Natural Killers in Defense From Infectious Diseases @ LKSC Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Catherine Blish, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases, Stanford University From Dr. Blish’s profile: “Our goal is to develop new methods to prevent and control infectious diseases through better understanding of human immunology.[...]