Stanford Medical Center Family Abuse Prevention Council - PTSD: How Does it Affect the Body? @ LPCH Auditorium | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Beth Cohen, MD, MAS Associate Professor of Medicine University of California, San Francisco Beth Cohen has received multiple grants to study traumatic stress, and several teaching and mentoring awards. She is the Principal Investigator[...]
Medicine Grand Rounds - Nuclear Receptors and Diabetes: Feast, Famine, and Physiology @ Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge, Berg Hall, 2nd Floor | Stanford | California | United States
Presenter: Ron Evans, PhD Professor and Director Salk Gene Expression Laboratory Ronald Evans is an authority on hormones, both their normal activities and their roles in disease. A major achievement in Evans’ lab was the[...]
ID Lecture Series: "Donor-Derived Infections in the Setting of Organ Transplantation" @ Li Ka Shing Center, LK208
Presenter: Jose G. Montoya, MD; Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine) at the Stanford University Medical Center. Zoom Video Conference Meeting ID: 790-915-319