Adult CF Grand Rounds: Pulmonary Hypertension and Cystic Fibrosis @ Alway Building, Room M106 | Stanford | California | United States
Presenter: Kristina Kudelko, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Stanford University Kudelko is interested in drugs and toxins-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension, clinical outcomes research, and acute kidney injury in pulmonary arterial hypertension About[...]
Stanford-China Cardiovascular Research Symposium @ Li Ka Shing Center: Paul Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Pioneering researchers from the top cardiovascular hospitals in China and the United States will convene to discuss the latest advances in cardiovascular research. The symposium aims to foster collaboration of researchers, clinicians and trainees between Stanford University and China’s leading institutions.[...]
Presenter: David A. Stevens, MD; Professor of Medicine (Emeritus). Zoom Meeting ID: 858 696 854
Re-Designing Public Health for Health Equity  Panel Session @ Online Event
Re-Designing Public Health for Health Equity | Panel Session Event Information and Registration The COVID-19 pandemic magnified existing disparities and highlighted chasms in our public health infrastructure. As we refocus on the future, challenging decisions[...]