BMIR Research in Progress: Samson Tu & Mor Peleg "Decision Support for Multi Morbidities" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
Samson Tu, MS, Sr. Research Engineer, Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford University, & Mor Peleg, PhD, Visiting Associate Professor, Stanford University, Dept. of Information Systems, University of Haifa ABSTRACT: Realizing the proven capabilities[...]
Medicine Grand Rounds: Can a Professor of Medicine be Creative? Adventures in Patient Engagement. @ LKSC Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Mike Evans, MD Founder, Reframe Health Lab Dr. Mike Evans was a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Toronto, Lead of Digital Preventive Medicine[...]
New Workshop Series for Clinician Educators and Clinical Researchers  Redesigning Patient Centered Care: A collaborative design thinking experience for clinicians, researchers and patients Recurring every 3rd Tuesday until June. Lunch will be provided. Schedule and[...]
Achieving Compliance with NIH Public Access Policy @ Alway M206
Instructor(s): Ashley Dunn, MPH & Michelle Bass, PhD, MSI This class is designed to help research personnel (including research coordinators, post docs, administrative staff) learn about the NIH Public Access Policy. In addition, the class provides an[...]
Center for Population Health Sciences Seminar Series: Sonalde Desai @ Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center, Room 320
Neither at Home, Nor in the Market: Low Returns on Women’s Education in India Sonalde Desai, University of Maryland Register Now!
SCCR Virtual Science Series: Community Engagement for Clinical Research @ ZOOM Webinar
Presenters: Dr. Lisa Goldman Rosas, PhD, MPH; Dr. Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa, PhD, MPH; and Katherine Connors, MPH Click HERE to Register! The mission of the Stanford Center for Clinical Research (SCCR) includes offering educational resources,[...]