BMIR Research in Progress: Karishma Rohanraj Desai "Modeling Effect of Analgesic Combinations & Interactions on Post-operative Pain Outcomes" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
Karishma Rohanraj Desai, Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford University ABSTRACT: Pain management is a major challenge for surgical patients and many are left with poorly managed pain control. In addition, concomitant[...]
Center for Population Health Sciences: Data Training | Truven and IPUMS @ Li Ka Shing Center, Room 320, 3rd floor | Palo Alto | California | United States
PHS is excited to offer a data training session on the Truven (9AM-11AM) and IPUMS  (11:15AM-1PM) datasets.  Join us to learn more about the key advantages of these datasets and how to work most efficiently[...]
Medicine Grand Rounds: Natural Killers in Defense From Infectious Diseases @ LKSC Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenter: Catherine Blish, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases, Stanford University From Dr. Blish’s profile: “Our goal is to develop new methods to prevent and control infectious diseases through better understanding of human immunology.[...]
Center for Population Health Sciences Research Seminar Series: Marissa Reitsma @ Online Event
Strategies to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign Event Information and Registration Marissa Reitsma is a Health Policy PhD student and Knight-Hennessy Scholar, Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University The COVID-19 epidemic has had[...]