Center for Population Health Sciences: Data Training | Truven and IPUMS @ Li Ka Shing Center, Room 320, 3rd floor | Palo Alto | California | United States
PHS is excited to offer a data training session on the Truven (9AM-11AM) and IPUMS  (11:15AM-1PM) datasets.  Join us to learn more about the key advantages of these datasets and how to work most efficiently[...]
ID Lecture Series: "Primary Immunodeficiencies" @ Li Ka Shing Center LK208
Presenter: Anne Liu, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Pediatrics (Immunology/Allergy)
The Route to Getting Grants (R2G2) series will resume on Thursday 4th October 2018 in Durand 450, with talks about ‘Pitching Your ideas’ from Professor Tom Clandinin (Neurobiology) and Associate Professor Elizabeth Sattely (Chemical Engineering). Both speakers will address challenges such as how[...]