Cancer Education Seminar: Updates on Myeloma @ Stanford Cancer Center CC 2103-2104
Presenter: Michaela Liedtke, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Hematology)
Presenter: SARAH C. LEWIS, MD, MPH Assistant Public Health Officer | STD/HIV Controller, Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Medicine Grand Rounds: Case Study Presentation @ LKSC, Berg Hall | Palo Alto | California | United States
Presenters:Tanya Gupta, MD, Ashish Sarraju, MD, Naomi Serling-Boyd, MD                        Chief Residents, 2017-18, Clinical Instructors in Medicine Stanford University Tanya Gupta Medical School: University of California, San[...]
ID Lecture Series: Immune Suppressing Monoclonal Antibodies and Infections @ Li Ka Shing Center, LK304/5
Presenter: Jose G. Montoya, MD; Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine) at the Stanford University Medical Center. Zoom Meeting ID: 790 915 319