Medicine Grand Rounds - Engaging Patients As Partners:  Effective Behavior Change Strategies for Busy Clinicians @ Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge, Berg Hall, 2nd Floor | Stanford | California | United States
Presenter: David Sobel, MD, MPH Consulting Professor Stanford University David S. Sobel, MD, MPH is Consulting Professor, Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine. He is a mentor in the Clinical Effectiveness Research Center[...]
Center for Population Health Sciences Seminar Series: Denis Newman-Griffis, NIH @ Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center | Stanford | California | United States
Natural language processing approaches to extracting patient functioning from clinical data Natural language processing (NLP) has become a significant tool in clinical informatics research, leading to advances in electronic phenotyping, adverse drug event detection, and[...]
ID Grand Rounds: "Human Body Temperature" @ Lane Building, L151
Presenter: Julie Parsonnet, MD; George DeForest Barnett Professor in Medicine and Professor of Health Research and Policy (Epidemiology). Zoom Meeting ID: 858 696 854