BMIR Research in Progress: Karishma Rohanraj Desai "Modeling Effect of Analgesic Combinations & Interactions on Post-operative Pain Outcomes" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Stanford | California | United States
Karishma Rohanraj Desai, Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford University ABSTRACT: Pain management is a major challenge for surgical patients and many are left with poorly managed pain control. In addition, concomitant[...]
The Route to Getting Grants (R2G2) series will resume on Thursday 4th October 2018 in Durand 450, with talks about ‘Pitching Your ideas’ from Professor Tom Clandinin (Neurobiology) and Associate Professor Elizabeth Sattely (Chemical Engineering). Both speakers will address challenges such as how[...]