The Route to Getting Grants (R2G2) series will resume on Thursday 4th October 2018 in Durand 450, with talks about ‘Pitching Your ideas’ from Professor Tom Clandinin (Neurobiology) and Associate Professor Elizabeth Sattely (Chemical Engineering). Both speakers will address challenges such as how[...]
Nov 12 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Memorable Presentations: Matt Abrahams @ LK320, Li Ka Shing Center | Palo Alto | California | United States
Sponsored by Stanford Medicine’s Office of Faculty Development and Diversity. Registration required. Presenters often express the dual fear of forgetting what they intend to say and having their audience forget what they heard.  Clearly, these worries[...]
R2G2 Workshop: Writing Tricks of the Trade
This Writing Tricks of the Trade workshop will provide 6 pragmatic scientific writing techniques to improve the clarity and conciseness of  your journal manuscripts and grant applications.  During the 2-hour interactive workshop, you will practice the techniques with short in-class[...]