Medicine Grand Rounds - HIV/AIDS: Achievements and Future Challenges @ Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge, Paul Berg Hall B&C, 2nd Floor  | Stanford | California | United States
Presenter: Jay Levy, MD Professor of Medicine University of California, San Francisco Jay A. Levy, MD, is an AIDS and cancer researcher and an educator in the School of Medicine at the University of California,[...]
Center for Population Health Sciences Seminar Series: Ursula M. Staudinger, PhD @ Li Ka Shing Center, Berg Hall C | Stanford | California | United States
Ursula M. Staudinger, PhD Professor of Psychology Columbia University Event and Registration Information “Plasticity of Aging: Lifespan Perspectives” Aging is neither biologically nor contextually determined.  Instead it is probabilistic in nature, as it is the[...]
ID Lecture Series: "Respiratory Viruses in Immunocompromised Hosts" @ Li Ka Shing Center, LK208
Presenter: Dora Ho, MD; Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases). Zoom Meeting ID: 790-915-319
BMIR Research In Progress: Francesco Vallania "Single-Cell Chromatin Modification Profiling Reveals Increased Epigenetic Variations With Aging" @ MSOB, Conference Room X-275 | Rome | Georgia | United States
Francesco Vallania, Postdoctoral Scholar, ITI, Stanford University ABSTRACT: Post-translational modifications of histone proteins and exchanges of histone variants at chromatin are central to the regulation of nearly all DNA-based biological processes. However, the degree and[...]
Center for Population Health Sciences Seminar Series: Willem H Ouwehand, University of Cambridge @ Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center, Room 319 | Palo Alto | California | United States
The 100 000 Genomes Project: Relevance for the transfusion community Register Now! The main objectives of the 100,000 Genomes Project are: i) to identify the DNA variants and genes underlying unresolved Mendelian disorders, and ii)[...]