ID Grand Rounds: Title: “Alterations of Gut Microbiome and Antimicrobial Resistance with Azithromycin Distribution: Findings from multiple randomized controlled trials” @ Lane Building, L151 (L154 Conference Room)
Presenter: Thuy Doan MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology. Francis I. Proctor Foundation.  University of California, San Francisco  Zoom Meeting ID: 858 696 854
SCCR Virtual Brown Bag: Practices of Optimism in Constant Change @ Zoom
Register HERE Zoom Class Link HERE Topic: “Practices of Optimism in Constant Change” Please join us for this opportunity to virtually meet among your colleagues and research staff to discuss the best practices of optimism amid constant[...]
SCCR Virtual Brown Bag: Foundations of Yoga for Healthcare and Self-care @ Zoom
Register HERE Zoom Class Link HERE Topic: “Foundations of Yoga for Healthcare and Self-care” Speaker:  Dr. Christiane Brems, PhD. “This course explores the varied applications of yoga for health, resilience, and thriving.  It outlines the eight[...]