Inclusion 2020: Workshop and Meditation with Tia Rich: “The Power of the Pause: Practical Contemplative Skills for Nourishing Resilience for Inclusion and Diversity”

January 30, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Windhover Contemplative Center
370 Santa Teresa St
CA 94305
Inclusion 2020: Workshop and Meditation with Tia Rich: "The Power of the Pause: Practical Contemplative Skills for Nourishing Resilience for Inclusion and Diversity" @ Windhover Contemplative Center

Audience: Faculty and Staff.  RSVP required.

Resilience flourishes when rooted in presence—the embodied awareness animating open-hearted engagement in your life and the lives of others. Learn simple, practical skills for sustaining presence and deepening resilience. Experience gentle contemplative movement and breathing practices to pause the striving, driving, analytical mind and open into presence. Participate in a guided compassion and mindfulness meditation in the nourishing supportive atmosphere provided by the Windhover Contemplative Center.

Logistical information for participants to know regarding the Thursday guided meditation session in Windhover, 370 Santa Teresa St, Stanford, CA 94305:

In Windhover there is seating available either on wooden benches or on zafus (on top of zabutons) on the floor. There are about 40 zafus and seating for about 30 more on the wooden benches.

Instructor bioTia Rich, PhD, is the founder and director of the DOM’s Contemplation by Design Program, a multidisciplinary, campus-wide collaboration that enhances resilience by encouraging all members of the Stanford community to enjoy the power of the pause for purposes of re-establishing balance, tranquility, compassion and energy to support wholehearted engagement in learning, research, teaching and service.

Dr. Rich conducts research on well-being, teaches both academic classes and professional development workshops, and authored Breathing for Longevity, Love and Livelihood. She has been integrating contemplative practice into resilience and stress management programs at Stanford University and Medical Center since 1984. She leads free noontime guided meditation sessions for faculty and staff at Windhover on Thursdays and at the SRWC campus’ Contemplation Studio on Mondays.