Medicine Grand Rounds: When to Dialyze

August 16, 2017 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
LKSC, LK101/LK102
Li Ka Shing Building
291 Campus Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94305
Department of Medicine
(650) 736-9160
Medicine Grand Rounds: When to Dialyze @ LKSC,  LK101/LK102 | Palo Alto | California | United States

Presenter: Tammy Sirich, MD
Instructor, Nephrology
Stanford University

 Tammy L. Sirich is an instructor of medicine in the Division of Nephrology. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s of science in chemistry. During her undergraduate time, she worked in an analytical chemistry research lab that specialized in mass spectrometry. She completed medical school at UC San Diego and internal medicine training at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Dr. Sirich completed nephrology fellowship training at Stanford University. During her training, she conducted research under the mentorship of Dr. Timothy Meyer, studying uremic solutes using mass spectrometry. She received a Career Development Award from the Veterans Affairs Research program. She continues to study the role of uremic solutes in kidney failure using novel techniques of mass spectrometry.